World Tunnel Day - 1st Tunnel Asset Owners Day - INVITATION
2nd of December 2022
Lieu – Plaats – Location
The Beacon (Lantis), Sint-Pietersvliet 7, 2000 Antwerpen
Programme – programma – program (draft)
· 13:00 Welcome
· 13:30 Introduction by ABTUS-BVOTS – Johan Mignon (president)
· 13:40 – 14:30 Session 1 - Plenary session & debate – chair: Bart De Pauw
Challenges for Belgian Asset Managers in the coming years: overview current and future challenges TEC, De Lijn, Bruxelles Mobilité, SPW Service Public de Wallonie, Infrabel, Agentschap Wegen & Verkeer, Lantis, De Werkvennootschap.
Debate with all Asset Managers of road, light-rail and rail infrastructure.
· 14:30 – 14:50 Break
· 14:50 – 16:30 Session 2: 4 interactive sessions of 25 minutes
Session on “Tunnel heritage” and historical data
The knowledge of a tunnel starts with its past. This seems more obvious than it is! it is demonstrated that old data can be very valuable.
Session on Tunnel management and maintenance – maintenance strategy
A good maintenance strategy is based on science and data from the tunnel. The European Tunnel Forum (EUTF) can help in developing a strategy, which starts with proper inspections. An example of data collection is illustrated.
Session on tunnel safety
Tunnel safety is a high priority for our fire service; in this session the Antwerp Fire Brigade demonstrates their expectations.
Session on digitization - Digital Twin
A real demonstration of a digital twin as a future management tool is given.
· 16:30 – 16:50 Plenary – Conclusions and next steps
· 16:50 – 18.10 Network drink
· 18:15 End
Participation - Bijdrage - Contribution
€ 0 (*) membres - leden – members ABTUS-BVOTS.
€ 75 (*) non membres - niet leden – non-members ABTUS-BVOTS.
€ 250 (*) sponsoring - sponsoring - sponsoring. (Visibilité pendant la journée - Zichtbaarheid tijdens het event - Visibility during the Day. Inclus 2 participants - Inclusief 2 deelnemers - Included 2 participants)
(*) En franchise de TVA - Vrij van BTW - Free of VAT (art. 44W.BTW).
Inscription - Inschrijving - Registration
Par mail à - Per Mail aan - By mail to:
+ 32 (0)474 56 46 77
Jusqu’au 1 décembre 2022 - Tot 1 december 2022 - Till 1st of December 2022.
Déclaration obligatoire - Verplichte vermelding - Required mention:
1. Nom - Naam - Name.
2. Prénom - Voornaam - Surname.
3. Société - Bedrijf - Company.
4. Adresse - Adres - Address.
5. E-mail Adresse - Adres – Addres
6. Participe à la journée d’étude et verse la somme de € 0/75/250* au compte n° BE10 3100 0039 9204 de l’ABTUS/BVOTS. Neemt deel aan de studiedag en stort € 0/75/250* op rekeningnummer BE10 3100 0039 9204 van ABTUS/BVOTS. Attends the study day and deposits € 0/75/250* on account number BE10 3100 0039 9204 of ABTUS/BVOTS.
(*) Name participants included in the sponsoring (2 max with e-mail): …………….
Langues - Taal - Language
Engels – Frans – Nederlands
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